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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Paolo Duterte distanced himself from the dispute over the 2021 budget deliberation

Paolo Duterte

Presidential son and Deputy Speaker Paolo Duterte distanced themselves from the dispute between fellow congressmen amid the House issues for the 2021 budget.

This was stated by the Davao representative after the Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. and Deputy Speaker Luis Raymund Villafuerte over the issue of infrastructure allocation of their districts.

“As Congress continues to be hounded by the issue of budget – something that finds its way up to the current House leadership, how it treats its members, how it approves allocations and budgets with fairness or lack of it – let me reiterate my position: I do not want to get involved, however, I wish to help my fellow lawmakers find answers to their questions or remedies to the budget that they proposed for their people, ”Duterte said in a statement.

Duterte admitted that many lawmakers have endorsed him to approach the issue of district allocation, but he said it would be better for him to avoid being the son of the president.

“I could only hope that Congress and its members will be able to resolve this issue before everything goes out of hand, before it could bludgeon the credibility of the institutions and inflict damage beyond repair.”

The official admitted that he texted Committee on Appropriations chairman Eric Yap to tell the Mindanao bloc to declare the positions of House Speaker and Deputy Speaker vacant.

This is also due to the floating accusation related to the change of speakership by Taguig Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano and Marinduque Rep. Lord Allan Velasco is the budget issue.

“The text message that I sent to another lawmaker – and is now making the rounds – was an expression of my personal dismay upon hearing the concerns of my fellow lawmakers. It was the same message that I sent after one congressman from the Visayas bloc dragged my name into the issue even after I have already strongly made myself clear over this issue. ”

For the younger Duterte, his fellow members of the House of Representatives should resolve the budget issue.

“If the members of Congress will push for a change in House leadership, as a reaction to their sentiments, obviously I would be among the casualties because I am a deputy speaker. I am ready to accept the consequences.”

If you recall, Cayetano and Velasco agreed to split the term as leader of the Lower House of Congress.


Meanwhile, Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque confirmed that President Duterte will return to Davao City this weekend.

Tomorrow, he is scheduled to face another public announcement.

The post Paolo Duterte distanced himself from the dispute over the 2021 budget deliberation appeared first on VIVA FILIPINAS.

Source: Viva Pilipinas

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